The girl behind the lens

Owner & Photographer of Chelsea Lynn Photography. Documenting love stories since 2014. I focus on the authentic, natural, emotional moments that take place on a wedding day. Whether it may be the lighting, location, angle, I have a vision for an image I take. I let the moments happen and capture the raw natural interactions. I will give direction and guidance when needed. I will help ease any discomfort with a funny prompt, or encourage you to embrace the awkward moment. I hope that once you receive your images you are taken back to that exact moment and feel all those emotions again. I am there to capture your love story, while making sure you are comfortable in front of the camera and feel your absolute best. I like to say we become "professional best friends."

More about me below..

More about Chelsea:

I graduated with my BFA in 2013 with a concentration in printmaking & minor in photography. I spent a few years exploring the event world. During and after college I lived in Cincinnati and Dayton for 8 years. I am really close with my family and love visiting my family in Yellow Springs & the brewery.

I met my husband while I was a photographer at a wedding in 2015. Who would have thought a WI guy and Ohio girl and a lot of driving would end up here today with 3 little peanuts,, a dog, & our dream home. We are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary in April. My hands are always full and my free time is very limited. But my heart is about to explode with so much love for my little family. 2024 is the year for "me" again. The past few years have been very hard as I was trying to navigate a busy wedding season while caring for 3 kids under the age of has been a true challenge. I work 24/7 and do my best to manage family life first. Emails are sent at all hours of the night and galleries are delivered in between mom life. Photography was my first "baby" and now I get to share my dream job with the best 3 little assistants & models I could ask for. I hope at least one of them wants to be mommy when they grow up.

Let's schedule a session so I can learn more about you!!!!


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